My Archives: February 2001

Friday, February 16, 2001

Posted by yoz @ 03:25 PM GMT [Link] [No Comments]

Thursday, February 15, 2001

OpenNMS is a complete open-source network management system - at least, it will be once it's finished. But you can download 0.6 now, and it looks pretty yummy.

Posted by yoz @ 02:08 PM GMT [Link] [No Comments]

Wednesday, February 14, 2001

Tadaaa! (yes, really) is some kind of P2P searching thing, with commerce abilities. Reminds me of Infrasearch (now gonesilent - but at least that's a temporary name)

Posted by yoz @ 03:56 PM GMT [Link] [No Comments]

OpenCola is a trainable continual-search system - you set folders up on your system, tell it what kind of info you want in them, OpenCola continually searches the web and finds relevant pages and sites for you. Sounds cool, but also remarkably like that dogs-in-kennels thing that Autonomy had about... 5 years ago?

Posted by yoz @ 12:49 AM GMT [Link] [No Comments]

Tuesday, February 13, 2001

Microsoft Outlook Mobile Manager lets you forward messages to SMS, and has an option (with a lovely big slider bar - see screenshot) for text compression of the message - by optionally shrinking words while keeping them semi-meaningful (e.g. "opptnty" instead of opportunity), removing spaces, removing vowels etc. James and I were discussing building filters through which you could pipe stuff as part of a generic SMS server, and he remembered an old DOS program that did that kind of thing. I didn't find it, but I did find this interesting page about approximate string matching.

Posted by yoz @ 03:07 PM GMT [Link] [No Comments]

Monday, February 12, 2001

VNC Tight Encoder - Efficient Compression for VNC. (VNC is the very popular, free app for remotely controlling machines)

Posted by yoz @ 04:30 PM GMT [Link] [No Comments]

From Slashdot, under the heading "Just Slightly Ahead Of Our Time": Napster Fabbing--Internet Delivery of Physical Products. Fascinating prospects (shifting product manufacturing to the home) but a long way off.

Posted by yoz @ 01:32 PM GMT [Link] [No Comments]

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